Corey Parks (CP3. ENT)
What's up world my name my name is Corey parks and I am 20 years old. I was born in St Louis Missouri, but I've jumped from city to city. I've lived in Sacramento Hammond St Louis, Minnesota, but I was raised in Chicago, IL for the most part I am currently a sophomore at southern Illinois University studying mass communications and media arts working towards hosting my own radio show, although I'm also studying English and literature, I also would like to be a English teacher in hopes of helping those struggling with learning the art of the English language. I met Automatic my Sophomore year in high school 2011. I met Antwon at a basketball tryout and which he introduced me to Lo-Kee. I started writing in 2009 when I was 14 but never took it seriously. I didn't think I was talented enough I spit my first verse I ever wrote for Automatic and they loved it to my surprise next thing I knew I was writing more and I officially got into Automatic by performing at a school event. As far as life goals go everything I'm studying all plays into my changing the world with music writing and media through the English arts. I was raised with my three brothers and two sisters by my mother and step dad.