Automatic is a group of young emcees organized in the city of Chicago, IL. Automatic started in 2009 in Bowen High School. Automatic has performed at many different events such as The Royce Glamour Show, Louder than a Bomb, and different talent shows throughout the city of Chicago. Automatic has relationships with other major artistic groups in Chicago such as Lyric Squad and Huey Gang. All of the members in Automatic are currently in school. We plan on creating music that could change people’s lives and at the same time make a new era in the music industry. Automatic has released a project with YCA (Young Chicago Authors) called “Coming up”, and Automatic has released a project called "itsAutomatic".
Current Members
Tony Edwards
Antwon Mickle
Ronald Price
Gyron Webb
Franklin Pharr
Marcus Eades
Aaliya Travis
S3 stands for the three S’s sound, shape, and studio. S3 is an organization that started in Paul Quinn College. The organization is to help individuals comfortably express the Talent they have. S3 consists of visual artists, singers, Dancers, poets, and emcees. S3 also has an Open Mic Hosted by Tony Edwards (Lo-Kee) every other Thursday and/or Friday. The Open Mic takes place in the Lucy Hughes dormitory at 10pm to 12am. S3 has also released a Mixtape November of 2013 called “The S3 Mixtape”. S3 wants to reveal the talent of students and strengthen people who have already revealed theirs.
Current Members
Tony Edwards
Jovan Brown
Jalen Glass
Devon Glenn
Raymundo Campos